Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Learning Chinese With Cute Tingting

There are many online resources to learn Chinese language.

Among them you can find also nice videos with short lessons on different topics.

And often they are led by pretty Chinese girls. But you wouldn't complain about that, right?

For example, if you make a search on Google for "Chinese girls" the first result will be unfortunately not my blog LoveLoveChina :-( , but the Youtube video "How To Pickup Chinese Girls". Go and watch it - it could be useful ;-) .

However, it's very difficult to find a full-blown video-course that would cover most of the topics for beginner's (or intermediate) level.

It seems that most of people creating such courses struggle with difficulties in producing the video-content and have to quit in the middle. Here you can find a first-hand experience of Peggy who ran "Peggy Teaches Chinese" and eventually stopped.

Today I found another interesting series of videos. Unfortunately, it also seems incomplete.

But I am sure that you will enjoy few lessons available with the cute and pretty Tingting.



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