Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reinado Internacional del Café Beauty Pageant

The Reinado Internacional del Café (International Queen of Coffee) beauty pageant, was internationally launched in 1957, in order to allow for the participation of countries from America and other continents. The pageant has always been held in Manizales, Colombia, in January during the Feria de Manizales, and is organized by Instituto de Cultura y Turismo de Manizales annually. More than 20 contestants participate every year.

Beauty Pageant > International Pageant > Reinado Internacional del Café

* Reinado Internacional del Café 2012 - Ximena Vargas / Contestants
* Reinado Internacional del Café 2012 - Ximena Vargas photo gallery
* Reinado Internacional del Café 2011 Winner - Sofinel Báez from Dominican Rep
* Reinado Internacional del Café 2011 - Queen of Police / Queen of Water / Contestants
* Reinado Internacional del Café 2010 - Mariana Notarangelo from Brazil / Crowning Moment / Contestants
* Reinado Internacional del Café 2009 - Alejadra Mesa from Colombia

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